Explode Your Sales with facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing Agency in Dhaka Bangladesh

our Approach to

facebook ads Management

We thoroughly analyze your business goals and conduct a comprehensive assessment to ensure a steady flow of high-quality traffic to your website, all while minimizing costs. Our strategy is geared towards optimizing your online presence, implementing effective marketing techniques, and leveraging data-driven insights to maximize the value of every visitor to your site.


Understanding Your Business


Designing Visuals & Creatives


Campaign Strategy Development


Data Analysis and Optimization

Our facebook ads agency can help you run types of fb ads

There are multiple types of Ads and most of them can be designed by selecting any of the below options

Collection of Facebook Ads

Image Ads: Facebook Image Ads are a type of advertising format on the Facebook platform that allows businesses to showcase their products, services, or brand using compelling visual images. These ads typically consist of a single static image or a carousel of multiple images, accompanied by a concise text description.

Video Ads: Video Ads on Facebook offer a powerful way to capture users' attention and convey your brand story, product demonstrations, testimonials, or other compelling narratives. They provide an opportunity to showcase your products, services, or brand in a more immersive and visually captivating manner compared to static image ads.

Instant Experience : Instant Experience ads are designed to load instantly and provide a seamless browsing experience for users within the Facebook app or mobile website. They can include a combination of images, videos, carousels, product catalogs, and interactive elements such as tilt-to-pan images, buttons, forms, and more.

Collection Ads : Collection Ads are particularly effective for e-commerce businesses looking to drive product discovery, showcase their catalog, and generate sales. By combining eye-catching visuals, curated product selections, and a frictionless shopping experience, businesses can effectively capture users' interest and drive them towards making a purchase.

Precision Targeting

The Facebook advertising platform offers robust audience segmentation options that allow you to precisely target individuals who are actively seeking or interested in the products and services you offer. Through Facebook's tools, you can segment your audience based on factors such as gender, age group, interest categories, geographical location, and more.

Age ,Location & Gender

Relationship Status

Income /Net Worth

Fields Of Study

Home Type

Hobbies And Activities

Business And Industry

Shopping Behavior

Online Spending Habits

Specific Page Likes

Previous Website Visits

Travel Methods

What we are planning to deliver

facebook advertising services package

Facebook Page Promote/Like Packages

Startup plan

2,000 TK

Per Campaign

Ad Campaign:1

AD Duration :7 Days

Like (Approx): 700+/-Likes

10/6 Customer Support


5,000 TK

Per Campaign

Ad Campaign:1

AD Duration :10 Days

Like (Approx): 1800+/-Likes

10/6 Customer Support


10,000 TK

Per Campaign

Ad Campaign:2

AD Duration :15 Days

Like (Approx): 3200+/-Likes

10/6 Customer Support

Business PLAN

20,000 TK

Per Campaign

Ad Campaign:3

AD Duration :30 Days

Like (Approx): 6000+/-Likes

10/6 Customer Support

What we are planning to deliver

facebook advertising services package

Facebook Post Boosting Reach Packages

startup plan

2,000 TK

Per Campaign

No. Of Post: 1

AD Duration :7 Days

Estimated Reach: 14K – 41K

10/6 Customer Support


5,000 TK

Per Campaign

No. Of Post: 1

AD Duration :10 Days

Estimated Reach: 24K – 68K

10/6 Customer Support


10,000 TK

Per Campaign

No. Of Post: 2

AD Duration :15 Days

Estimated Reach: 30K – 86K

10/6 Customer Support

Business PLAN

20,000 TK

Per Campaign

No. Of Post: 3

AD Duration :30 Days

Estimated Reach: 27K – 79K

10/6 Customer Support

What we are planning to deliver

facebook advertising sevices package

Facebook Post Boosting Engagement Packages

startup plan

2,000 TK

Per Campaign

Ad Campaign:1

AD Duration :5 Days

Estimated Reach: 2.5k – 7.2k

Estimated Engagements: 3-10

10/6 Customer Support

Standard PLAN

5,000 TK

Per Campaign

Ad Campaign:1

AD Duration :7 Days

Estimated Reach: 6.5k – 19k

Estimated Engagements: 6 – 20

10/6 Customer Support


10,000 TK

Per Campaign

Ad Campaign:2

AD Duration :15 Days

Estimated Reach: 5.7k – 15k

Estimated Engagements: 5 – 25

10/6 Customer Support

Business PLAN

20,000 TK

Per Campaign

Ad Campaign:3

AD Duration :30 Days

Estimated Reach: 4.7k – 13k

Estimated Engagements: 4 – 13

10/6 Customer Support

Why Hire A Professional Facebook Marketing Company In Dhaka Bangladesh

Hiring a professional Facebook marketing company in Bangladesh can bring several benefits to your business. Here are some reasons why it can be advantageous:

Expertise and Experience: A professional Facebook marketing company has in-depth knowledge and experience in running successful Facebook marketing campaigns. They understand the platform's algorithms, best practices, and effective strategies to reach and engage your target audience.

Targeted Audience Reach: A Facebook marketing company can help you identify and target your specific audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. They have the expertise to optimize your ad campaigns to reach the right people, maximizing the chances of conversions and ROI.

Strategic Campaign Planning: A professional company will develop a comprehensive Facebook marketing strategy tailored to your business goals. They will analyze your target audience, competition, and industry trends to create campaigns that generate the desired results.

Creative Content and Ad Design: Crafting engaging and visually appealing content is crucial for Facebook marketing success. A professional company will have a team of skilled content creators, copywriters, and designers who can create compelling ads and content that resonate with your audience.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization: A Facebook marketing company will continually monitor your ad campaigns, analyze performance metrics, and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your campaigns. This ensures that your budget is allocated effectively and that you achieve the best possible results.

Cost-Effective Solutions: Outsourcing your Facebook marketing to a professional company can be a cost-effective solution. They have the expertise and resources to optimize your campaigns, reducing unnecessary ad spend and maximizing your return on investment.

Time-Saving: Managing Facebook marketing campaigns can be time-consuming, especially if you are unfamiliar with the platform. Hiring a professional company allows you to focus on other aspects of your business while they handle the intricacies of Facebook marketing for you.

Stay Updated with Trends: Facebook's advertising landscape is constantly evolving. A professional company stays updated with the latest trends, algorithm changes, and best practices to ensure that your campaigns remain effective and aligned with the current strategies.

Overall, hiring a professional Facebook marketing company in Dhaka Bangladesh can provide you with the expertise, resources, and strategic approach needed to drive successful Facebook advertising campaigns, reach your target audience, and achieve your business goals effectively.

investing in facebook ad services is cost - Effective HERE's WHY

Investing in Facebook ad services can be cost-effective due to its flexibility, targeted approach, optimization capabilities, real-time analytics, scalability, and A/B testing opportunities. By leveraging these advantages, you can maximize the effectiveness of your advertising budget and achieve your desired marketing goals more efficiently. Investing in Facebook ad services can indeed be cost-effective for several reasons:

Facebook provides flexibility in budgeting options, allowing you to set a daily or lifetime budget according to your financial capabilities. This means you have control over how much you spend on your advertising campaigns, ensuring that you stay within your budget limits.

Facebook Ads empower businesses to customize their budget allocation based on their specific goals and financial resources. Whether you have a modest budget or significant investment potential, you can set a daily budget to control your ad spending per day. This ensures that you never exceed your financial limits, providing peace of mind and stability. Alternatively, you can opt for a lifetime budget, allowing you to define the total amount you're willing to spend throughout the campaign's duration. This flexibility enables businesses to adapt their ad spending to suit their unique requirements.

With Facebook's advanced targeting capabilities, you can reach your ideal audience with precision. By narrowing down your target audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, or geographical location, you can ensure that your ads are shown to the most relevant people who are more likely to engage with your business. This targeted approach helps optimize your ad spend and minimizes wasted impressions.

Facebook's algorithm is designed to optimize ad delivery and maximize your desired results. Whether it's website clicks, app installs, or lead generation, the algorithm works to deliver your ads to the people most likely to take the desired action. This optimization helps you achieve better results for your ad spend, making it cost-effective compared to traditional advertising methods.

Facebook provides detailed analytics and insights about your ad campaigns, allowing you to monitor their performance in real-time. You can track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and engagement rates, enabling you to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions for optimization. This transparency helps you allocate your budget more effectively and identify areas for improvement.

Facebook's ad platform offers scalability, allowing you to expand your campaigns as your business grows. You can gradually increase your ad spend and reach a larger audience while monitoring the performance and adjusting your strategies accordingly. This scalability ensures that you can optimize your budget allocation based on the ROI generated by your Facebook ads.

Facebook enables you to conduct A/B testing by creating multiple ad variations and comparing their performance. This allows you to experiment with different ad creatives, messaging, targeting options, or call-to-action buttons to identify what works best for your audience. By optimizing your ads based on data-driven insights, you can improve your conversion rates and make the most of your ad spend.

Facebook Marketing Agency in Dhaka Bangladesh for small Business

Lead Generation | Catalog Sales | VIDEO ads Branding |Apps Promotion

In today's digital age, social media platforms have become an integral part of every successful marketing strategy. Among these platforms, Facebook stands tall as a global leader with its massive user base and robust advertising capabilities. To harness the true potential of Facebook marketing, businesses in Dhaka, Bangladesh are turning to specialized agencies that offer expertise, insights, and tailored solutions. In this article, we will explore the advantages of partnering with a Facebook marketing agency in Dhaka and how it can propel your business forward. Marketing Help Lines is a marketing agency based in Dhaka, Bangladesh possesses a deep understanding of the local market dynamics, consumer behaviors, and cultural nuances. They are well-versed in the preferences and habits of the Bangladeshi audience, allowing them to create highly targeted and effective Facebook ad campaigns. This local expertise ensures that your marketing efforts resonate with the target audience, resulting in better engagement, higher conversions, and increased return on investment (ROI). Partnering with a Facebook marketing agency in Dhaka, Bangladesh provides businesses with specialized expertise, localized knowledge, tailored strategies, and optimized campaigns, ensuring effective Facebook marketing and business growth.

FAQs About Facebook Marketing Services in Dhaka Bangladesh

Facebook Ads is an advertising platform provided by Facebook that allows businesses to create and display ads on the Facebook platform. This includes ads shown in users' news feeds, in the right column of Facebook pages, and on Instagram (which is also owned by Facebook).

Facebook Ads operates on a similar auction-based model to Google Ads. Advertisers set their desired audience, budget, and bidding strategy. Facebook then uses its algorithms to determine which ads to display to users based on factors like ad relevance, bid amount, and targeting options. Advertisers pay when users engage with their ads, such as clicking, liking, or converting.

"Marketing Help Line's" Facebook Marketing Packages offer a range of pricing options based on the project and business requirements. The costs may vary from 20 USD to 10000+ USD per month. In BDT currency, the prices range from 3000 Tk to 150,000+ Tk per month, plus 15% VAT.

For small business owners, starting with the 140 USD package can be a suitable choice. It provides a cost-effective solution to establish a presence on Facebook and engage with the target audience.

Mid-size businesses might consider the 300 USD package, which offers more comprehensive Facebook marketing services and strategies to drive growth and expand their reach.

Larger businesses or e-commerce enterprises could opt for the 500 USD package. This package provides extensive Facebook marketing resources, advanced targeting options, and robust campaign management suitable for companies with significant marketing budgets and ambitious goals..

Facebook is considered one of the best platforms for marketing due to several key reasons:

Large and Diverse User Base: Facebook boasts an immense user base, with billions of active users worldwide. This provides businesses with a vast pool of potential customers to target and engage with. The platform's user base is diverse in terms of demographics, interests, and behaviors, allowing businesses to reach a wide range of audiences.

Advanced Targeting Capabilities: Facebook offers robust targeting options that enable businesses to reach their ideal audience with precision. You can segment your audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more, ensuring that your ads are shown to the right people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. This targeted approach helps maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Multiple Ad Formats: Facebook provides various ad formats, including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and more. This versatility allows businesses to showcase their products or services in engaging and interactive ways, capturing the attention of users and driving higher engagement rates.

Extensive Reach and Visibility: With Facebook's extensive reach, your marketing messages can reach a vast number of users across different devices, including desktops, smartphones, and tablets. This broad visibility helps increase brand awareness and reach potential customers wherever they are.

Social Interaction and Engagement: Facebook is a highly social platform, enabling businesses to engage with their audience through comments, likes, shares, and direct messages. This two-way interaction fosters brand loyalty, builds relationships with customers, and provides valuable insights into customer preferences and feedback.

Detailed Analytics and Insights: Facebook provides comprehensive analytics and insights to track the performance of your marketing campaigns. You can monitor key metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and engagement rates, to assess the effectiveness of your ads and make data-driven optimizations for better results.

Remarketing and Custom Audiences: Facebook allows you to create custom audiences based on your existing customer data or website visitors. This enables you to retarget individuals who have already shown interest in your brand, increasing the chances of conversions and driving repeat business.

Cost-Effective Advertising: Facebook advertising can be cost-effective, especially when compared to traditional advertising channels. The platform offers flexible budgeting options, allowing businesses of all sizes to allocate their ad spend according to their marketing objectives and financial capabilities.

These factors collectively make Facebook an excellent platform for marketing, providing businesses with the tools, reach, targeting options, and analytics necessary to effectively promote their products or services, engage with their audience, and achieve their marketing goals.

Yes, Facebook Ads is suitable for businesses with small budgets. The platform allows you to set your own budget and offers various targeting options to reach specific audiences. By focusing on relevant targeting, compelling ad content, and continuous optimization, you can maximize the impact of your budget and reach your desired audience effectively.

The cost of Facebook Ads varies based on factors like your targeting options, competition, and bid strategy. You have control over your budget and can set a daily or lifetime budget for your ads. Facebook Ads can be more cost-effective compared to other advertising platforms, as it allows for precise targeting and offers a variety of ad formats to suit different budgets.

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Marketing Help Lines: Digital Marketing Company in Dhaka Bangladesh
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